Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We are on the winning side again!

So we picked up a road win last night vs Presentation College. Like always, the saints played very well in their gym, but we finally broke the "win the first 2, lose the next 3" curse at that place!

No time to sit on our laurels though. We will be back in the gym in 1/2 hour working hard and trying to figure out how to break another curse.....beating Northwestern! We will be at their place on Friday and then at Crown on Saturday morning.

With it being Education Minnesota week, we will have a few recruits on campus on Thursday and Friday. The current players are all looking forward to the free food they get when asked to entertain the prospects! Coach B and I will also be hitting the road and watching a couple tournaments on Thursday. If we want to keep improving the program, we need to keep getting the quality student-athletes.

Well I should go get ready for practice.

Hope to see some of you in the stands on Friday and Saturday!

Coach P