Wednesday, February 10, 2010

UMM- What to do with your Degree??

Just enjoying a chilly, but sunny day here in Morris!! I just talked to Gary Donovan in the career center about where our recent UMM graduates have gone on for jobs and to graduate schools and he suggested I check out this link for what to do with your major.

I'm happy to report that I have seen a bunch of the volleyball players working out in the RFC recently- I know some have been peppering/playing some volleyball and we are now just over a month away from the start of our spring season!!

Two dates to make note of- Saturday, April 10, 2010- is our Alumni Match. It will be held in the evening- alums please let me know if you plan on coming! Sunday, April 25, 2010, we will be hosting our spring volleyball tournament- right now we have 5 teams interested... More to follow!

Have a great day!

Coach B