Monday, April 26, 2010

Crazy Week is over...

Whew- what a week! Started with 3 practices early in the week... then I was prepping for the Tinman Triathlon (part of my intramurals job) most of the day and night Wednesday-Friday with it happening Saturday. Then back to the gym at 8:45 am Sunday for 8 hours of volleyball! It was a busy but fun week!!

It was great being back in the gym and coaching the Cougars!! We split into two teams for all of pool play, shuffling the teams back and forth so everybody got a chance to play with everyone else. It wasn't perfectly equal playing time, but everybody certainly played a lot of volleyball! By my unofficial count, both teams finished 10-4 on the day in games, tied for the 2nd best record.

What we did well-- we served very aggressive, especially the first half of the day when we were fresh! We spent a lot of time working on it this spring, just going back there and serving hard and hitting spots, getting teams out of system. We were very good offensively at times! There were points when other teams looked scared when we were on the attack! I thought we communicated well, in that we had a different group on the court almost every other game and I didn't see many balls just land there untouched between two players.

What didn't go so well-- for as much time as we spent on defense this spring, we still need to be better to truly compete at the highest level. We just weren't quite quick enough to get some of the balls, especially to the middle of the court. We also will continue to work on being vocal on the court and communicating from the first point to the last point... Everything can still get a little better but those two things stuck out to me.

Have a great week and I will keep posting, but not quite as often.

Coach B