Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hello Everyone-
The hustle and bustle of the season is now behind us- I will admit it... I miss getting in the gym every day and working with the young women on the team! They have an intensity and a desire to learn that is very fulfilling and exciting to be around!
Heather and I went to the MN State Volleyball Tournament last week. Lots of fun going there and watching high level volleyball. (Although I think that Heather just enjoys sitting there and talking to old friends, not ACTUALLY watching the matches sometimes!). There are a lot of talented volleyball players in the state of Minnesota...
This Friday we are planning to go to the South Dakota State Tournament. A much different format from the MN state tourney- 3 different sites for the different classes with big breaks in between sessions. Heather just got done yelling at me about the format. I guess I will have them change it now!
We are also in the process of doing end of the season individual meetings with all our volleyball players. We had the team do a survey, asking a bunch of questions about their teammates, where they rank each other, with regards to workouts, skills, etc., and, gulp, a coaching staff evaluation. Lots of good feedback there, both positive and negative. It is safe to say we ALL have things we can do better!!
Gotta run now- have a great week and keep checking in!
Coach B
PS~ Hope to post once a week for the next couple of weeks... then monthly again until the spring. Hope you enjoyed our blogs this year!