Hello everyone-
Another beautiful Minnesota day! Just wanted to send a quick update with what we've been up to on campus...
I had a chance to enjoy lunch Friday with one of my former players... from Colby-Sawyer College- in New Hampshire! Sarah Blume, a native of Wheaton, MN, was home visiting her parents and came down for lunch at our place with her Dad. It was fun reminiscing about old times and getting updates on other former players. (We also worked out on the treadmills- I have a heck of a time keeping up with these young whipper snappers!).
Saturday was fun- my sons and I went to watch our first ever gymnastics meet (one of our recruits was there competing). Tyler was impressed with some of their floor exercises. Then my brother, parents and mother-in-law came up and we went to Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" in the PE Center- very entertaining! Then the night was capped off with the St. Mary's School dinner and auction fundraiser at the Old #1 in Morris. We walked away with a new painting for the wall and tickets to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre!
Sunday was filled with volleyball! I was down at the President's Day Festival in the Cities- I saw over 70 teams in three different divisions and numerous potential recruits.
And today- more shoveling.
Have a great week and Go Cougars!
Coach B