I'm a freshman this year, and I was really nervous coming into the season,
but I found that I really had nothing to worry about. I think the team has
really bonded and we have some great leaders on our team. I'm really looking
forward to the rest of the season!
This week has been full of volleyball! After a long Labor Day weekend, we
jumped right into practice Monday night, where we focused mainly on defense,
serving, and serve receive. Our defense is looking a lot better after this
week, and hopefully that will give us the edge we need to do well in our
upcoming games.
On Tuesday night, both JV and varsity had a chance to compete against some
excellent competition in North Dakota. JV had a game against Jamestown,
and although we played hard until the end, we ended up losing in three games.
However, I don't think this properly shows how hard we worked, and how
energetic and positive we remained through all three games. Our blocking
was particularly impressive! Varsity also had a close match against Valley
City, but also lost in three.
I'm really looking forward to varsity's two games tomorrow against Mount
Marty and York. They should be really intense and it'll be exciting to see
how well they will perform against some difficult teams. Then on Saturday,
JV is heading to Willmar to play in a tournament. I'm really excited to
see how we do after working hard on defense this week.